Message from the plant head

Cosmelor factory was built in 1970, it is the only manufacturing site of L’Oreal group in Japan, producing cosmetics of luxury brands for worldwide market, especially Asian market.

L’Oreal is the leading cosmetic group in the world, it is operating in ~150 countries with a large brand portfolio, for one and only mission: to offer to all women and men on the planet the best of beauty in terms of quality, efficacy, safety and responsibility.

As part of L’Oreal operation, we in Cosmelor:

  • Commit to “L’Oreal for the future” program to contribute to environment sustainability, in terms of energy saving, water saving, 100% renewable energies and waste treatment
  • Quest for operational excellence to serve our customers with safety, quality and agility.
  • Engage ourselves to our citizenship towards the local community and ecosystem for mutual growth.
  • Believe in the power of Kaizen for continuous improvement

We look forward to your continued patronage and support.
Plant GM / Cecillia YU